The PreSearch Node project is a very simple, yet complex, but I believe worth learning about.
There are 3 Ways you can earn income with PreSearch
1) Do you use Google as your search engine? You can get paid PRE coins by using PreSearch as your search engine
2) You can use stake your coins and rank whatever keywords you choose in the PreSearch Search Engine
3) Set up PreSearch Nodes and earn passive income
The article below and videos will cover these three ways of creating money with this search engine. This is a project that I am gong to particpate in by setting up a dozen or so nodes, and staking coins for search engine rankings. I have been using the search engine daily and earning pre tokens daily since discovering this project.
HERE IS THE BOTTOM LINE. If you have a business, product, or service you promote online, go here now and SIGN UP FOR PRESEARCH now and set up a free account.
This video will give you an overview of what is going on with the node program.
At the time of this writing. 12/24/2021 you can make a small profit setting up Presearch nodes. Many feel rewards for these nodes and the pre token will increase in value drastically over time, maybe it will, maybe it won’t. The thing I like about this project is once you have set up your node(s). You are basically done, and these nodes will continue to create passive income for you month after month. (See set up video below)
PreSearch Node is a decentralized search engine like google. Since discovering this program I have been using this as my search engine, and earning pre coins daily, just by doing my normal day-to-day searches. If you do nothing else, this just makes sense to me. I am going to be doing internet searches daily, so I thought I may as well create income. You can join here, and receive 25 free pre coins for using this search engine.
The reason I believe that if you have a business, product, or service you should join, is you can stake your coins and take advantage of the pay-per-click search engine. You can choose the search terms you want to show up in the top of their search results.
This is like using the paid Google Adwords program in its infancy.
Back in the day there where multiple pay-per-click search engines prior to Google. At one time I actually owned a pay-per-click search engine for awhile in the early 90’s before I eventually sold it.
The most popular PPC search engine was Goto. Myself and many other marketers at the time made a lot of money promoting on this pay-per-click search engine.
Here is a little history. The site itself was an online search engine crossed with a directory of categories and industries. When users clicked a specific category or searched for something, relevant adverts were displayed to them and advertisers were charged per click. Instead of a fixed fee, this allowed advertisers to bid against each other in order to claim the number 1 spot. Since there could only be one top spot per category or search, had the ingenious idea of letting the market decide how much they wanted to pay. This allowed larger businesses to price out smaller companies competitors and opened a whole new world of competitive PPC strategies.
By mid-1998, advertisers were paying up to $1 a click in order to be featured on the top slot. Looking back, $1 a click is incredibly low compared to some of the prices today. However, unlike today, the bidding wasn’t in real-time and took several hours to be updated. By the end of 1998, Google had officially become an incorporated company and was open to the public. Although the site was still listed as being in beta, by the end of the year, Google had indexed over 60 million web pages. Unknown to many search engines and businesses at the time, Google was slowly becoming the next big thing and eventually the hundreds of other pay-per-click search engines were squeezed out of business.
The reason I believe that the over time this search engine could become the next big thing is many people in the world are simply burnt out with companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc. They know these companies are mining their information. The idea of being able to search with a decentralized platform privately is appealing to many and will probably continue to gain steam in the future