A few months ago I went on a mild, unplanned rant on my podcast about the Metaverse and How Millionaires would be made inside it.
People laughed at me and called me Crazy Calvert. Frankly this was before Zuckelberg announced he was changing the name of Facebook to Meta.
There is no doubt, unless you have been living under a rock you are starting to hear more and more news outlets speak about the Metaverse and the opportunities within it.
It is not just Facebook, huge brands like Nike, Boeing, Disney, Apple, Nvidia, and much more are investing a lot into the metaverse. Even Radio Shack is planning its comeback within
the Meta Verse.
In my opinion now is the time to become crypto educated and a big part of that is getting in front of the Metaverse trend.
Many cryptocurrency investors are calling 2022 “The Year of the Metaverse”. All of my educational time over the last quarter of 2021 and throughout 2022 will continue to be in the crypto space. A lot of that time will be learning all I can about Metaverse business.
There will a lot of profit made in 2022 as early adapters will have the opportunity to get in on brand new games, universes, coins, tokens, stocks, and advertising opportunities. I currently hold 3 Metaverse tokens and have tried to buy land inside of a couple more.
You can kind of see how this plays out, can’t you? Those who don’t take the time to get educated NOW will become part of the confused crowd. Those are the ones that will ultimately get in late and lose money on the shady opportunities that we will all be hearing about throughout 2022 and beyond.
If you are still reading this, then you are probably wondering, Where & How do I start?
Well, Dawn and I are headed to Florida, to chill in the sun for awhile and re-fuel. Today, I just disovered that researcher Alessandro Zamboni has come out with a new publication called Metaverse Empire.
That is what I will be reading and dissecting when I am on the beach this weekend. If you want to learn more about this you can click here: Metaverse Empire.
Inside she is going to reveal
The best 12 stocks for metaverse companies and why,
The secret 20 coins of the metaverse everyone should have their wallet.
How to make money from play to earn Metaverse games, even if you dont play video games. (I don’t)
Plus she will cover many more timely topics that can help us create profits in the Metaverse starting in 2022 and beyond.
If you know me, you know I have always believed in timing, and first mover advantage on good ideas. I am not saying the Metaverse is a good idea, I am just saying it is on its way, it can’t be stopped and for me the time to get self-educated is now.
If this makes sense check out Alessandro’s website here
METAVERSE EMPIRE you may find this whole topic as fascinating as I do.
Dedicated to Supporting Entreprenuers,
Dale Calvert

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